Questions Answered

Frequently asked Questions

Send questions to [email protected]

Q. How many times can I enter?    A. As many times as you wish, each entry is charged $3.00 per solo or $10.00 per group.

Q. Where do I send my video?       A. Send us a link to your video at [email protected] (post it on youtube)

Q. How do I make payment?          A. You can use Paypal, money order or call in with a credit card.

Q. How will I know my video got judged    A. You will receive an email stating your placement once rated.

Q. Will my placement change?       A. Placements will always be changing as we get more entries. Who stands in the top 10 on January 1st, 2010 is who wins the listed prizes.

Q. Who judges the videos?            A. There will always be Jeremy Hawk Lamont CEO & Founder HopStar121, Tamra Callahan of Callahan Institute of the Arts & three guest judges. All the Judges use the same scales to rate the videos from 1-25 & 26.1-30. Guest Judges will be from a pool of Agents, Dancers & Choreographers from The United States, Ireland, Phillipines etc.

To explain the rating a little better. A score from 1-25 will be just that 1, 2, 3... 25. Rating from 26 to 30 will be rated in 10ths. Example: 27.3 rating of possible 30 or 29.9 rating of possible 30. We can really fine tune the top percent of dancers & goups.